Understanding the sternum pain

The pain or discomfort in the area of the chest that contains the sternum bone and the cartilage connecting it to the ribs is known as Sternum Pain. The sternum is located near the heart. Most people consider sternum pain with normal chest pain. Some people feel like having a

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What is Fibula Fractures?

The most common injury to the smaller of the two bones that comprise the lower leg is named Fibula Fractures. This can occur in conjunction with a tibia fracture or even a broken ankle. Many fractures occur because of a strong impact or force on the bone, but fibula stress

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Causes of distal radius fracture

If a person gets hit or slips, he first puts his hands on the ground to balance himself. This often causes great strain on the wrist and can lead to fractures. This problem can happen to people of any age, but it is more common in older and younger children

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Diagnosis of hip fracture

  Hip fracture is known to be the most common fracture. It is especially prevalent in older people. After age 65, human bones become weak and it almost requires surgery. This injury can often be life-threatening. Thus it needs to be treated quickly. Before taking any decision let’s get to

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